Finding His Voice - A DakotAbilities Success Story

When David* first came to DakotAbilities' Meaningful Day program, he always wore his hood and sunglasses, not wanting to interact with anyone. A shy and quiet person, he chose not to engage in any sort of social activity. Staff members began to ask him if he would like to swim at the Midco Aquatic Center. It wasn't long before he agreed, and he now swims every week, making friends, honing his swimming skills, and having a lot of fun.

Finding that "one thing" helps people gain confidence and the courage to try new things. He now initiates conversations with others, and has participated in Karaoke! At first, he only wanted to listen, but before too long, he took the microphone and started singing his favorite songs. He is also a favorite BINGO caller, which has opened him up to new people and new possibilities. He has grown so much since joining DakotAbilities, and it is wonderful to see how Meaningful Day has impacted his life.

Meaningful Day Services are made possible with the financial support of our generous community. If you would like to contribute, go to

*Name changed per privacy request.