A woman with a disability and bright, happy smile, is swings while supported by a caregiver.

Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Together, we create a warm and welcoming community enriching the lives of those we support.

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Supporting People with Disabilities

DakotAbilities is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization based in Sioux Falls. We support adults with disabilities from all over South Dakota with accessible housing, employment, day services, physical habilitation services, and access to 24/7 nursing care. These supports ensure the health, safety, and welfare of each individual as we work to create a more inclusive and connected world for everyone.

Two men with disabilities work together to organize a bin.

Working Together for Opportunities and Meaningful Lives

We work together with the individuals we support and the community at large to create opportunities for people with disabilities. Everyone deserves a meaningful day and the opportunity to live their best life.

A volunteer works with a disabled man, providing support and friendship